Age: 93 years old

When Anastacia Buenaventura bought her then eight-year-old daughter Modesta a necklace, I bet she never thought it would be a priceless feature in a December 2009 wedding. That was, after all, only 1916.

Now thanks to careful preservation, Anastacia’s great granddaughter Lizzie Contemprate has something seriously old to wear on her wedding day. The bride, who will walk down the aisle of St. Peter’s Church on Dec. 5, plans to wear her Lola Modesta’s 93-year-old piece of jewelry.

Lizzie shares:

When I was still young, my lola showed me the necklace and told me how old it was and that she’d like me to keep it. I rarely wear the jewelry, maybe once or twice. I’m just in awe every time I look at it and it reminds me of lola.

Check this out:

old lizzie

Below are Lizzie’s great grandmother Anastacia (left), who bought the necklace, and great, great grandmother Andrea. Lizzie says these photos, which she used, aptly, as a background for the necklace, were taken back in the late 1800s  (And to think the world’s first permanent photograph was made in 1826! — according to Wikipedia). Anyway, their family apparently wasn’t only into keeping jewelry, they were also into  early cam-whoring. 8 )

old lizie

Lizzie’s mom Luz wore the necklace when she graduated from elementary. Lizzie used it last year when she stood as secondary sponsor in a friend’s wedding. Too bad her dear lola, the first owner of that precious necklace, won’t see her wearing it on her big day (Her lola died in 2005, at age 96). But I’m sure the old ladies would be glad that the heirloom can stand as witness.